53 research outputs found


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    The ability to reproduce a parallel execution is desirable for debugging and program reliability purposes. In debugging (13), the programmer needs to manually step back in time, while for resilience (6) this is automatically performed by the the application upon failure. To be useful, replay has to faithfully reproduce the original execution. For parallel programs the main challenge is inferring and maintaining the order of conflicting operations (data races). Deterministic record and replay (R&R) techniques have been developed for multithreaded shared memory programs (5), as well as distributed memory programs (14). Our main interest is techniques for large scale scientific (3; 4) programming models

    DwarvesGraph: A High-Performance Graph Mining System with Pattern Decomposition

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    This paper presents DwarvesGraph, the first graph mining system that decomposes the target pattern into several subpatterns, and then computes the count of each. The results of the target pattern can be calculated using the subpattern counts with very low additional cost. Despite decomposition-based algorithms have been studied for years, we propose several novel techniques to address key system challenges: 1) a partial-embedding-centric programming model with efficient supports for pattern existence query and advanced graph mining applications such as FSM; 2) an accurate and efficient cost model based on approximate graph mining; 3) an efficient search method to jointly determine the decomposition of all concrete patterns of an application, considering the computation cost and cross-pattern computation reuse; and 4) the partial symmetry breaking technique to eliminate redundant enumeration for each subpattern while preserving equivalence of computation. Our experiments show that DwarvesGraph is significantly faster than all existing state-of-the-art systems and provides a novel and viable path to scale to large patterns

    A Case for Reversible Coherence Protocol

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    We propose the first Reversible Coherence Protocol (RCP), a new protocol designed from ground up that enables invisible speculative load. RCP takes a bold approach by including the speculative loads and merge/purge operation in the interface between processor and cache coherence, and allowing them to participate in the coherence protocol. It means, speculative load, ordinary load/store, and merge/purge can all affect the state of a given cache line. RCP is the first coherence protocol that enables the commit and squash of the speculative load among distributed cache components in a general memory hierarchy. RCP incurs an average slowdown of (3.0%,8.3%,7.4%) on (SPEC2006,SPEC2017,PARSEC), which is lower compared to (26.5%,12%,18.3%) in InvisiSpec and (3.2%,9.4%,24.2%) in CleanupSpec. The coherence traffic overhead is on average 46%, compared to 40% and 27% of InvisiSpec and CleanupSpec, respectively. Even with higher traffic overhead (~46%), the performance overhead of RCP is lower than InvisiSpec and comparable to CleanupSpec. It reveals a key advantage of RCP: the coherence actions triggered by the merge and purge operations are not in the critical path of the execution and can be performed in the cache hierarchy concurrently with processor executio

    GraphR: Accelerating Graph Processing Using ReRAM

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    This paper presents GRAPHR, the first ReRAM-based graph processing accelerator. GRAPHR follows the principle of near-data processing and explores the opportunity of performing massive parallel analog operations with low hardware and energy cost. The analog computation is suit- able for graph processing because: 1) The algorithms are iterative and could inherently tolerate the imprecision; 2) Both probability calculation (e.g., PageRank and Collaborative Filtering) and typical graph algorithms involving integers (e.g., BFS/SSSP) are resilient to errors. The key insight of GRAPHR is that if a vertex program of a graph algorithm can be expressed in sparse matrix vector multiplication (SpMV), it can be efficiently performed by ReRAM crossbar. We show that this assumption is generally true for a large set of graph algorithms. GRAPHR is a novel accelerator architecture consisting of two components: memory ReRAM and graph engine (GE). The core graph computations are performed in sparse matrix format in GEs (ReRAM crossbars). The vector/matrix-based graph computation is not new, but ReRAM offers the unique opportunity to realize the massive parallelism with unprecedented energy efficiency and low hardware cost. With small subgraphs processed by GEs, the gain of performing parallel operations overshadows the wastes due to sparsity. The experiment results show that GRAPHR achieves a 16.01x (up to 132.67x) speedup and a 33.82x energy saving on geometric mean compared to a CPU baseline system. Com- pared to GPU, GRAPHR achieves 1.69x to 2.19x speedup and consumes 4.77x to 8.91x less energy. GRAPHR gains a speedup of 1.16x to 4.12x, and is 3.67x to 10.96x more energy efficiency compared to PIM-based architecture.Comment: Accepted to HPCA 201

    GNNPipe: Scaling Deep GNN Training with Pipelined Model Parallelism

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    Communication is a key bottleneck for distributed graph neural network (GNN) training. This paper proposes GNNPipe, a new approach that scales the distributed full-graph deep GNN training. Being the first to use layer-level model parallelism for GNN training, GNNPipe partitions GNN layers among GPUs, each device performs the computation for a disjoint subset of consecutive GNN layers on the whole graph. Compared to graph parallelism with each GPU handling a graph partition, GNNPipe reduces the communication volume by a factor of the number of GNN layers. GNNPipe overcomes the unique challenges for pipelined layer-level model parallelism on the whole graph by partitioning it into dependent chunks, allowing the use of historical vertex embeddings, and applying specific training techniques to ensure convergence. We also propose a hybrid approach by combining GNNPipe with graph parallelism to handle large graphs, achieve better computer resource utilization and ensure model convergence. We build a general GNN training system supporting all three parallelism setting. Extensive experiments show that our method reduces the per-epoch training time by up to 2.45x (on average 1.58x) and reduces the communication volume and overhead by up to 22.89x and 27.21x (on average 8.69x and 11.60x), respectively, while achieving a comparable level of model accuracy and convergence speed compared to graph parallelism

    Low-Cost Floating-Point Processing in ReRAM for Scientific Computing

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    We propose ReFloat, a principled approach for low-cost floating-point processing in ReRAM. The exponent offsets based on a base are stored by a flexible and fine-grained floating-point number representation. The key motivation is that, while the number of exponent bits must be reduced due to the exponential relation to the computation latency and hardware cost, the convergence still requires sufficient accuracy for exponents. Our design reconciles the conflicting goals by storing the exponent offsets from a common base among matrix values in a block, which is the granularity of computation in ReRAM. Due to the value locality, the differences among the exponents in a block are small, thus the offsets require much less number of bits to represent exponents. In essence, ReFloat enables the principled local fine-tuning of floating-point representation. Based on the idea, we define a flexible ReFloat format that specifies matrix block size, and the number of bits for exponent and fraction. To determine the base for each block, we propose an optimization method that minimizes the difference between the exponents of the original matrix block and the converted block. We develop the conversion scheme from default double-precision floating-point format to ReFloat format, the computation procedure, and the low-cost floating-point processing architecture in ReRAM
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